
Simple Home Remedies for Oily Skin, Just Use Celery Leaves

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Simple Home Remedies for Oily Skin

For those who have problems with an oily face, of course, we already feel how our face looks dull and oily, so it must be very uncomfortable and so not confident with a face that looks dull because it is oily. But do you know that there are advantages for those of us who have oily facial skin types? Surely for those of us who feel having this type of face is not comfortable also with the oil content on the face.

Simple Home Remedies for Oily Skin

Explanations behind oily skin 

There are a couple of components that cause oily skin including: 

  • First clearly from the affirmation of food that we eat step by step. Sustenances that have a high oil/cholesterol substance can impact the skin including facial skin. 

  • In puberty can in like manner impact the plan of excess oil on the face because the number of hormones around then extended more, that is the explanation the people who are in pubescence have started to have issues with skin break out and oily facial skin. Since at that age the skin is sensitive and easily affected by skin aggravation skin issues, especially joined with outlandish usage of excellence care items and misguided assurance can trigger extended levels of oil on the face. Read also: How To Lighten Skin Tone? 8 Ways To Lighten Your Skin Tone naturally!

  • The accompanying variable that can impact the presence of excess oil on the skin of the face is the intrinsic factor. Watchmen who from the outset have an oily face is not likely not going to be down to their child who will have issues with oily facial skin moreover.

Prevention of oily skin

Actually, how to deal with this oily face we can prevent with a clean lifestyle and diligent to take care of the face. Here's one way you might try to start preventing oily faces.

1. Try every buddy after activities always clean the face with facial soap at least twice a day, so that any dirt that sticks due to oily face can be washed clean with water. The use of facial cleansers should also suit your skin problems. 

2. When using clean skin try to clean the face on the area of forehead, chin, cheeks, and nose which is an area that is quite a lot of oil.

3. Actually, this oil on the facial skin helps to keep the skin of the face moist. And to maintain its moisture and so that its oil content can also be reduced try to use a special facial moisturizer for oily facial skin.

4. Than as I have said above that the intake of food greatly affects the oil content on the skin of the face. So reduce foods such as fried foods that contain high oil and cholesterol.

5. Drink plenty of water, because water can keep your body fit. In addition to missing body fluids, water can also reduce the oil content on the face.

6. And the last way of prevention, be wise in the use of cosmetics on the face, especially for women who often wear cosmetics. Use cosmetics that do not clog the pores of the face.

How to deal with oily face

How to deal with oily face naturally can pal practice by using the ingredients that pal easily gets. This natural ingredient is found in many types of cuisine, such as soups, and many others. Ingredients to overcome this oily face in the form of leaves that have the Latin name Apium Graveolens. In addition to being one of the flavorings of this ingredient can also be used as a high blood medicine. 

How to deal with oily face with celery leaves

Leaves that have extraordinary properties include a hair grower due to loss or fatness, celery leaves also help reduce oil levels on the face. Surely this time we will not discuss cooking or other properties that use celery leaves. But we will discuss the usefulness of celery leaves as a way of coping with oily faces. The content contained in celery leaves is very much friends including protein, vitamin A, B1, B6, B12, and vitamin K, iron, magnesium, and many others. Read also: Easy Weight Loss Tips for Teens 

How to use celery leaves

The use of celery leaves as a way to overcome oily face can pal practice in the following ways:

1. Use celery leaves to taste approximately enough to use later on the face.

2. Cut the celery leaves into small pieces and boil the celery pieces in boiling water or use really hot water to soak them. 

3. Let stand about 15-20 minutes of the celery pieces in hot water. After waiting for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, let the water soak the celery leaves until cool first and then applied on the face evenly.

4. After applying wait for the soaking liquid to dry on the face until completely infused. Then clean or rinse with water until clean.

5. To get maximum results buddy can use this herb only 2 days once and try to see the results.

I can share simple home remedies for oily skin, just use celery leaves. Hopefully, it can be useful for all pals in overcoming oily faces.

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